Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Lucas Tree Services is committed to support the health, safety, and welfare of all people we employ and to the people affected by our undertakings.
Lucas Tree Services continuously supports improvements of workplace health and safety by adopting a planned systematic approach to Occupational Health and Safety. This approach includes risk management and consultation.  
As part of our overall commitment Lucas Tree Services is committed to:
  • Complying with ISO 45001 and all relevant OH&S legislation, regulations, codes of practice, and guidelines.
  • Establishing measurable objectives and targets aimed at eliminating work related injury and illnesses.
  • Documenting, implementing, and communicating OH&S policy to all employees.
  • Regularly monitoring and revising our policy in accordance with legislative and organisational changes or as appropriate.
  • Provide adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to all employees and visitors to ensure work is carried out safely
  • Ensure all accidents, hazards and near misses are recorded and reported and an investigation is carried out to determine possible causes.
  • Maintain a safe working environment by reporting hazards or unsafe work practices in a prompt manner to their manager or supervisor.
  • Report all workplace injuries, near misses and illnesses caused by work immediately to your manager.
  • Continual improvement of OH&S system.
  • Ongoing consultation and participation of workers at all applicable levels and functions in the development, planning, implementation, performance evaluation and actions for improvement of OH&S Management system.